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Protect your company against loss arising from fire, theft, damage to property or stock, injuries to employees or interruption.

Professional using a laptop

Protect all your property against loss or damage

When the unexpected happens you want the peace of mind afforded by reliable corporate insurance cover.

card with cash
Fire and fire-related perils

Protects against loss or damage due to fire and allied perils such as floods, earthquakes and riots. This covers only tangible, material damage.


Covers only theft following violent entry to or exit from the premises. Proof of forced entry or exit is required.

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Goods in transit

Protects against loss of goods during transit related to business, within the country, by road or rail.

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This covers physical loss of or damage to money due to all risks, including robbery and damage.

card with cash
Marine insurance

Covers loss of or damage to import or export goods from warehouse to warehouse. It can also be arranged on a voyage-by-voyage basis.

Business all risks

Cover against loss of or damage to valuable portable company tools and equipment used away from the company premises.

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Contractors all risks

Covers damage to contract works and construction material. Includes fire and allied perils, theft, and liability to third parties for damage to property and bodily injury.

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Electronic equipment

Cover against accidental loss of or damage to computers, mechanical and electrical breakdowns, including power surges. Can be extended to cover increased cost of working.

Need more information or assistance?


+255 76 898 4000/4011 | +255 22 219 9793 | +255 768 980 191


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