With over 20 years’ experience, NBC offers you a wide range of insurance options to cover your loved ones and possessions.

Affordable cover on or off road with NBC car insurance
Cover your car against accidents, damage, theft and claims from third parties with our affordable car insurance options.

Cover your home inside and out with NBC insurance
We will not only cover your home from floor to roof, inside and out, but also your precious belongings.
Benefits of NBC Home Insurance
Insures you on:
- Damage to building structure
- Damage to fixtures and fittings
- Loss due to fire or burglary
- Damage or loss of household contents
Also included:
- All-risk cover
- Liability insurance

Safeguard your family with NBC Life Insurance
Ensure that your family’s future is secure, whatever happens. We offer insurance cover against death, disability and retrenchment.
We help you secure your family’s future
With various NBC insurance products included in NBC current and loan accounts, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your debt will be covered if anything should happen to you.
Need more information or assistance?
Call us:
+255 76 898 4000/4011 | +255 22 219 3000 | +255 22 551 1000 | 0800711177 (Toll-Free)
Email us: